February 7, 2007

Sense of Smell

Our boys have been going through "Katie-withdrawals" lately. Katie is their favorite babysitter, but for the last few weeks when Katie has come over, it's been to practice guitar with me (preparing for our upcoming women's retreat). Last week, our three-year-old woke up from his nap just after Katie left. He asked, "but where's Katie?" I explained that she had gone home already. He stopped, looked around, and with a smile on his face replied, "it still SMELLS like Katie."


Anonymous said...

That's awesome!

Every once in a while I will smell something that just takes my back to my grandmother's kitchen. (My grandmother Vera.) It's a great memory invoker - it always makes me smile.

Layman said...

for the last few weeks when Katie has come over, it's been to practice guitar with me

What is really amazing is that three-year old could sleep through the practice of the heavy metal band Katie and sleep-deprived are putting together.

That women's retreat is really going to jam, man.

Sleep-Deprived said...

Okay Layman, that's pretty hilarious. I didn't realize that we were doing the heavy metal version of songs like Great and Mighty is He, Let Us Adore, and Worthy is the Lamb. Though you are right, it is pretty amazing that he sleeps through it!!!